Important Noticed!!!

Start from 18-7-2011

A-Boutique is stop providing pos express service due to

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Customers are advice to use Skynet or Pos Laju only as delivery option.


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All models photography are for illustration purposes only.
Product designs, color, measurement are based on actual product item as the standard.
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Goods sold are strictly not refundable/exchangable.
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~ New Stocks Update ~

0260 韩版波西米亚风水墨花扎染吊带裙
颜色 (Color) :蓝色 (Blue)
材质 (Material) :纯棉 (Cotton)
尺寸 (Size) :均码 (Free Size)
裙长 (Length) 74 CM(不含肩带)
胸围 (Bust) 50 CM(可拉伸至100CM

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

819 韩国气质荷叶边蝴蝶结裙
颜色 (Color) :黑色 (Black)
面料 (Material):牛奶丝 (Slik)
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
衣长 (Length) : 76 cm
胸围 (Bust) : 73-80 cm 有弹力
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

932 新款缩口飞鼠款
颜色 (Color) : 深灰色 (Dark Grey)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
腰围 (Waist) 60-86 CM
臀围 (Hip)100 CM
裤长 (Length)67 CM

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

颜色 (Color) :图片色 (Same as picture)
面料 (Material) :棉 (Cotton)
尺寸 (Size) :均码 (Free Size)
肩宽 (Shoulder) 34 cm
胸围 (Bust) 94 cm
衣长 (Length) 80 cm

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

颜色 (Color) : 图片色 (Same as picture)
尺码 (Size) : 均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) : 74-82 CM
衣长 (Length) : 67 CM

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

颜色 (Color): 白色 (White)
面料 (Material):单面拉架 (Lycra Cotton)
尺寸 (Size) :均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 47 cm
衣长 (Length) 72 cm
肩宽 (Shoulder) 38 cm

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

4630 韩版蕾丝一字领高腰洋裝
颜色 (Color) :黑色 (Black)
面料 (Material) :牛奶丝 (Silk)
尺寸 (Size) :均码 (Free Size)
衣长 (Length) : 74 cm
胸围 (Bust) : 90-100 cm 有弹力

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

材质 (Material):雪纺 (Chiffon)
内衬 (Inner) :有 (Yes)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 82 CM
腰围 (Waist) 72 CM
裙长 (Length) 85 CM

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 84-118 CM
腰围 (Waist) 58-128 CM
裙长 (Length) 67 CM(不含肩带长)

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

5875 露肩显瘦飘逸不规则欧美连衣裙
颜色 (Color):蓝色 (Blue)
材质 (Material):雪纺 (Chiffon)(有内衬)
尺寸 (Size) :均码 (Free Size)
衣长 (Length) 84 CM
胸围 (Bust) 84 CM

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

颜色 (Color): 粉红色 (Pink)
材质 (Material):雪纺 (Chiffon)
内衬 (Inner) :有 (Yes)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 88 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) 32 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) 19 CM
腰围 (Waist) 68-94 CM
裙长 (Length) 77 CM
: 不包括腰带 (Not include belt)

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

8409 百搭豹纹裹胸连衣裙
颜色 (Color) :咖啡豹纹 (Coffee)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
衣长 (Length) 75 CM
胸围 (Bust) 90 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)+蕾丝 (Lace)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 100-120 CM
肩连袖 (Shoulder with Sleeve) 27 CM
衣长 (Length) 65 CM

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

颜色 (Color): 白色 (White)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 92-120 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) 37-47 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) 16 CM
衣长 (Length) 67 CM

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 84-110 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) 35-45 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) 21 CM
腰围 (Waist) 70-106 CM
裙长 (Length) 84 CM

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

颜色 (Color): 紫色 (Purple)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 96 CM
衣长 (Length) 65 CM

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

材质 (Material):雪纺 (Chiffon)
内衬 (Inner) :有 (Yes)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 94 CM
腰围 (Waist) 54-78 CM
裙长 (Length) 78 CM

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

材质 (Material):雪纺 (Chiffon)
内衬 (Inner) :有 (Yes)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 90 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) 35 CM
腰围 (Waist) 56-96 CM
裙长 (Length) 83 CM
: 不包括腰带 (Not include belt)

零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

材质 (Material):雪纺 (Chiffon)
内衬 (Inner):无 (No)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 100 CM
肩连袖 (Shoulder with Sleeve) 15 CM
腰围 (Waist) 72 CM
裙长 (Length) 80 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00

1 comment:

  1. 015皇冠 情趣内衣时尚连体紧身露背夜店辣妹装DS演出服
    適穿胸圍 (Bust):32 ~ 36吋 (inch)
    適穿腰圍 (Waist) :22 ~ 28吋 (inch)
    颜色 (Color) :图色 (as per picture)
    尺碼介紹 : 本产品为均码,普通体重和身高范围请放心选择。
    零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00 /件(pc)

    This 1 still got stock ...?? kindly reply me .. tq
