Important Noticed!!!

Start from 18-7-2011

A-Boutique is stop providing pos express service due to

pos Malaysia - Pos Express user terms & conditions.

Customers are advice to use Skynet or Pos Laju only as delivery option.


Disclaimer Statement
All models photography are for illustration purposes only.
Product designs, color, measurement are based on actual product item as the standard.
No cancellation/refundable is allowed after order form submitted.
Goods sold are strictly not refundable/exchangable.
*Payment that NOT made through MAYBANK/CIMB will NOT receive the change of balance. We will save the balance for the NEXT ORDER :)


~ New Stocks Update ~

材质 (Material):网纱 (Gauze)
内衬 (Inner) :有 (Yes)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 82-102 CM
裙长 (Length) 77 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

277 性感V领修身长款短袖裙
颜色 (Color): 黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
衣长 (Length) 85 CM
胸围 (Bust) 90 CM
腰围 (Waist) 80 CM
: 不包括白色内搭 (Not include white inner)
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

536 欧美风格褶皱连衣裙
颜色 (Color): 黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
衣长 (Length) 77 CM
胸围 (Bust) 88 CM
腰围 (Waist) 84 CM
下摆 (Bottom)116 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

0638时尚百搭 蝴蝶结 立体打折 裙裤
颜色 (Color):杏色 (Beige)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
腰围 (Waist) 60-112 CM
裤长 (Length) 31 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

0641微低胸性感OL真丝垂坠 无袖洋裝上衣(附腰帶
颜色 (Color):黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):真丝 (Silk)
内衬 (Inner) :无 (No)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 92 CM
衣长 (Length) 62 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

835 碎花腰带翻边裤
颜色 (Color) : 蓝色 (Blue)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)混纺布
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
腰围 (Waist) 62-90 CM(松紧)
裤长 (Length) 80 CM
臀围 (Hip) 120 CM
前裤裆 26 CM
后裤裆 36 CM
大腿 62 CM
裤脚宽 34 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

1983 前后蝴蝶结条纹拼接连衣裙
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
肩宽 (Shoulder) 33 CM
胸围 (Bust) : 84-96 CM
衣长 (Length) : 77 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 86 CM
腰围 (Waist) 56-90 CM
裙长 (Length) 78 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

颜色 (Color) : 卡其色 (Khaki)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)+雪纺(Chiffon)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 82-106 CM
衣长 (Length) 59 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

8177 夜店女王大堆领性感裸背包臀宴会裙
颜色 (Color): 黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
衣长 (Length) 77 CM
胸围 (Bust) 80 CM
腰围 (Waist) 70 CM
臀围 (Hip) 72 CM(有弹性)
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

颜色 (Color) : 橙色 (Orange)
材质 (Material):真丝 (Silk)
内衬 (Inner) :无 (No)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 94 CM
腰围 (Waist) 82 CM
裙长 (Length) 83 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

颜色 (Color): 粉红色 (Pink)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 140-160 CM
肩连袖 (Shoulder with Sleeve) 20 CM
衣长 (Length) 77 CM
: 不包括灰色内搭 (Not include grey inner)
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

J5008 滾邊波浪束腰雪紡衫
颜色 (Color): 杏色 (Beige)
材质 (Material) :雪纺 (Chiffon)
内衬 (Inner) :无 (No)(内搭小吊带)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 96 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) 37 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) 18 CM
衣长 (Length) 59 CM
胸围 (Bust) 74-104 CM
衣长 (Length) 52 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

J5009 翻領直條紋腰鬆緊接色無袖洋装
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 90-104 CM
腰围 (Waist) 48-90 CM
裙长 (Length) 86 CM
: 不包括内搭及腰带 (Not include inne & belt)
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

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