Important Noticed!!!

Start from 18-7-2011

A-Boutique is stop providing pos express service due to

pos Malaysia - Pos Express user terms & conditions.

Customers are advice to use Skynet or Pos Laju only as delivery option.


Disclaimer Statement
All models photography are for illustration purposes only.
Product designs, color, measurement are based on actual product item as the standard.
No cancellation/refundable is allowed after order form submitted.
Goods sold are strictly not refundable/exchangable.
*Payment that NOT made through MAYBANK/CIMB will NOT receive the change of balance. We will save the balance for the NEXT ORDER :)


~ New Stocks Update ~

509 多种穿法碎花连衣裙
颜色 (Color) : 蓝色 (Blue)
材质 (Material):南韩丝 (Korean Silk)
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
裙长 (Length) :76 CM
胸围 (Bust) :80 CM
腰围 (Waist) :64-100 CM(松紧设计)
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

2506 和服式前后两穿连衣裙
颜色 (Color) : 红色大花 (Red Flower)
材质 (Material):南韩丝 (Korean Silk)
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
裙长 (Length) 82 CM
胸围 (Bust) 90-100 CM
腰围 (Waist) 60-100 CM(松紧设计)配腰带
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00 /件(pc)

颜色 (Color) : 黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 82-108 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) 37-47 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) 18 CM
衣长 (Length) 42 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00 /件(pc)

5383 甜美波点新品v领波浪圆点长上衣
颜色 (Color) : 蓝色 (Blue)
材质 (Material):纱质面料
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 82-92 CM
腰围 (Waist) 54-84 CM
衣长 (Length) 67 CM
: 不包括白色内衣 (Not include white inner)
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00 /件(pc)

7020 LOVE字母假两件
颜色 (Color) : 黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
衣长 (Length) 73 CM
腰围 (Waist) 80 CM
下摆 (Bottom) 104 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00 /件(pc)

38035 珍珠链纯色荷叶边雪纺连衣裙 送项链
颜色 (Color) : 杏色 (Beige)
材质 (Material) :雪纺 (Chiffon)
内衬 (Inner) :有 (Yes)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 90 CM
肩连袖 (Shoulder with Sleeve)14 CM
腰围 (Waist) 66-106 CM
裙长 (Length) 82 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00 /件(pc)

59103 韩版秋装新款长版蝴蝶结扣衬衣
颜色 (Color): 白色 (White)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) 86 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) 38 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) 35 CM
衣长 (Length) 63 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00 /件(pc)

F637 年最新款时尚沙质衬衫
颜色 (Color): 浅粉色 (Light Pink)
材质 (Material):纱质面料
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :92 CM
衣长 (Length) :62 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

颜色 (Color): 粉红色 (Pink)
材质 (Material) : 纯棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) : 98 CM
衣长 (Length) : 65 CM
零售价 (Price) RM 28.00 /(pc)

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