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~ New Stocks Update ~

0360 韩版泡泡袖金扣小外套 (Puff-sleeves cardi with gold button)
颜色 (Color):黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :90-102 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) :34-39 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) :50 CM
衣长 (Length) :48 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

0362 ☆简约哈伦裤☆编织绑带车折九分裤 (3/4 Harem Pants)
颜色 (Color) : 深蓝色 (Dark Blue)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
腰围 (Waist) :68-92 CM(有松紧/elastic waist)
臀围 (Hip) :104-116 CM
裤长 (Length) :90 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

1253 堆堆毛领卫衣绒衫 (Fluffy Wool Collar Sweater)
颜色 (Color):粉色 (Pink)
材质 (Material):卫衣料+羊羔绒
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
肩宽 (Shoulder) :40 CM
胸围 (Bust) : 96 CM
衣长 (Length) : 76 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) : 60 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

2056 小露性感金色拉鍊毛料長版上衣 (Wool Top with front-Zipper design)
颜色 (Color):灰色 (Grey)
材质 (Material):毛线 (Wool)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :88-118 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) :37-51 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) :58 CM
衣长 (Length) :66 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

4862 韩国气质女王必备蕾丝拼接设计包臀连衣裙 (Long-sleeves One-piece with Lace stitching)
颜色 (Color):图片色 (as per picture)
材质 (Material):蕾丝 (Lace)+滑棉 (Cotton)
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
平放量单面尺寸 :
全长 (Length) :75 cm
肩宽 (Shoulder) :36 cm
袖长 (Sleeve) :64 cm
胸围 (Bust) :82 cm 有弹力可拉伸至 (could stretch to) :102 cm
手臂围 :40 cm
袖口 :26 cm
下摆宽 :96 cm
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

6835 个性条纹拼接修身连衣裙 (One-piece with cross-back design)
颜色 (Color):黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
肩宽 (Shoulder) :32 cm
胸围 (Bust) :78 cm
裙长 (Length) :87 cm
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

8042 两穿袖条纹宽松裙子 (Two-ways Stripes Dress)
颜色 (Color):黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
衣长 (Length) :77 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) :38 CM
胸围 (Bust) :98 CM
下摆 (Bottom):90 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

8044 双V领口荷叶花边元素修身包臀裙 (Ruffles v-neck One-piece)
顏色 (Color):黑色 (Black)
材質 (Material):絲光棉 (Cotton)
尺寸 (Size):均碼 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :66-88 cm
腰围 (Waist) :65-80 cm
臀围 (Hip) :70-92 cm
长度 (Length) :78 cm
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

9829 名媛性感超多彩色小图标组合拼接修身连衣裙 (Colour patches mini-dress)
颜色 (Color):图片色 (as per picture)
材质 (Material):冰丝 (Ice Silk)
尺寸 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
衣长 (Length) : 74 CM
胸围 (Bust) :76-90 CM
腰围 (Waist) :62 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

48137 渐层条纹柔棉连衣裙 (Mini-dress with gradient texture )
颜色 (Color):蓝色 (Blue)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :80-110 CM
肩连袖 (Shoulder with Sleeve):26 CM
裙长 (Length) :78 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

59118 内贴钻垂领长袖棉质连衣裙 (Cotton dress with dropped neckline)
颜色 (Color) : 灰色 (Grey)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :86-114 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) :38-51 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) :55 CM
裙长 (Length) :74 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

78034 休闲豹纹圆领长款T恤 (Casual long top with Leopard detail)
颜色 (Color):黑色 (Black)
材質 (Material):针织料
尺寸 (Size):均碼 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :110 cm
肩宽 (Shoulder) :45 cm
袖长 (Sleeve) :56 cm
衣长 (Length) :75 cm
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

89912 镂空甜美女装☆荷叶蝶结蕾丝雪纺上衣 (Laced Ruffles-sleeves Blouse)
颜色 (Color) : 蓝色(Blue)
材质 (Material):雪纺 (Chiffon)
内衬 (Inner) :无 (No)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :90 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) :35-43 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) :13 CM
衣长 (Length) :58 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

H5300 田野风休闲蝴蝶结条纹洋装 (Tunic with Ribbon & Stripes)
颜色 (Color):黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :56-96 CM
裙长 (Length) :65 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

H5306 超前卫彩色连身裙 (Ultra-bright Tuic)
材质 (Material):冰丝棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :76-92 CM
腰围 (Waist) :56-94 CM
裙长 (Length) :87 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

H5307 前V领黄花潮流洋装裙 (V-neck Floral One-piece)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)(配裹胸、腰带/with inner & belt)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
裙子(Dress) :
胸围 (Bust) :110 CM
裙长 (Length) :78 CM
裹胸 (Inner):
胸围 (Bust) :74-98 CM
长 :23 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

H8819 高雅醉人-附編織腰帶洋裝 (Sleeveless One-piece with braided belt)
颜色 (Color):黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :84-102 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) :37 CM
裙长 (Length) :83 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

J279时尚V领气质洋装 (V-neck mini-dress with stuts details)
颜色 (Color):白色 (White)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :78-98 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) :32-42 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) :21 CM
腰围 (Waist) :70 CM
裙长 (Length) :71 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

J5035 蝙蝠袖长版小外套 (Polka-dots Long over-coat)
颜色 (Color):黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :100-130 CM
肩连袖 (Shoulder till Sleeve):51 CM
衣长 (Length) :65 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

L9075 蕾丝拼接简约修身显瘦洋装 (Long-sleeves dres with Lace stitching)
颜色 (Color): 白色 (White)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)+蕾丝(Lace)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :72-94 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) :31-38 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) :56 CM
衣长 (Length) :77 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

L9078 韩版大蝴蝶结披肩洋装裙 (Dress with Big Ribbon cape )
颜色 (Color):黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :92-106 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) :37-43 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) :56 CM
裙长 (Length) :80 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

W1811 简单一扣无领西装外套 (Single-button with collarless coat)
颜色 (Color):蓝色 (Blue)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :82-100 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) :35-39 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) :46 CM
衣长 (Length) :47 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

X972 剪裁流苏领 时尚连衣洋装 (Tunic with Fringe details)
颜色 (Color) : 灰色 (Grey)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :86-114 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) :36-46 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) :55 CM
衣长 (Length) :70 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

X975 千鸟格 公主袖连衣裙 (Puff-sleeves One-piece)
颜色 (Color):黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :80-104 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) :38-48 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) :56 CM
裙长 (Length) :74 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00

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