Important Noticed!!!

Start from 18-7-2011

A-Boutique is stop providing pos express service due to

pos Malaysia - Pos Express user terms & conditions.

Customers are advice to use Skynet or Pos Laju only as delivery option.


Disclaimer Statement
All models photography are for illustration purposes only.
Product designs, color, measurement are based on actual product item as the standard.
No cancellation/refundable is allowed after order form submitted.
Goods sold are strictly not refundable/exchangable.
*Payment that NOT made through MAYBANK/CIMB will NOT receive the change of balance. We will save the balance for the NEXT ORDER :)


~ New Stocks Update ~

颜色 (Color):黑色 (Black)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
吊带 :
胸围 (Bust) :70-100 CM
衣长 (Length) :54 CM
外套 :
胸围 (Bust) :80-114 CM
肩宽 (Shoulder) :33-43 CM
袖长 (Sleeve) :20 CM
衣长 (Length) :34 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00 /件(pc)

0350 爱心字母T两件式
颜色 (Color):粉红色 (Pink)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺码 (Size):均码 (Free Size)
背心 :
胸围 (Bust) :68-94 CM
衣长 (Length) :63CM
T恤 :
胸围 (Bust) :106-130 CM
肩连袖 (Shoulder with Sleeve) :23 CM
衣长 (Length) :64 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00 /件(pc)

608 深V領印花洋裝
颜色 (Color):图片色 (as per picture)
材质 (Material):纯棉 (Cotton)( 衣衣无腰带 )No belt
尺寸(Size) :均码 (Free Size)
衣长 (Length) :81 CM
胸围 (Bust) :88-100 CM
注 :不包括内托 (Not include inner)
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00 /件(pc)

7018 锁链图案串珠綁帶抹胸裙
颜色 (Color):黑色 (Black)
材质(Material) :滑棉 (Cotton)
尺寸(Size) :均码 (Free Size)
衣长 (Length) :72 CM
胸围 (Bust) :80 CM(有弹性)(elastic)
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00 /件(pc)

8593 韩国高贵气质仿真丝包臀洋装
颜色 (Color):红色 (Red)
材质 (Material) :仿真丝
尺寸(Size) :均码 (Free Size)
衣长 (Length) :84 CM
胸围 (Bust) :82~86 CM
臀围 (Hip) :82~88 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00 /件(pc)

颜色 (Color):灰色(Grey)
材质 (Material):棉 (Cotton)
尺寸(Size) :均码 (Free Size)
胸围 (Bust) :60-110 CM
裙长 (Length) : 123 CM
零售价 (Price) :RM 28.00 /件(pc)

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